In this section we answer the most frequently asked questions. We invite you to check this page on a regular basis (we update it from time to time) or when you have any questions about how our website works.
Consult our specific FAQs on:
-Why can't I see the prices of the items on the website?
TCG Factory is a distributor and we only provide service to stores, businesses (brick-and-mortar and/or online) and industry freelancers or companies. You have to be registered as a customer to see the prices of our products. Once you have your username and password, you can log in to our website and access all our services.
-Can I use the photos of the items for my e-commerce website?
All the product images we post on our website are there to provide you with an additional service. You can copy and upload them to your own website or use them in your sales campaigns. TCG Factory transfers the rights to its images as soon as you place your first order. To download them, simply go to the product page and click on the image. Then right click on the image and select the “Open link in a new tab” option. This will let you download it with the highest resolution possible.
-My company is outside the European Union, can I sell your products?
Yes, you can buy our items. However, TCG Factory does not ship outside the European Union, so you will have to be responsible for collecting your products at our facilities.
If the faqs didn't answer your questions, we are available almost every day to offer you the closest and most professional treatment possible. You can get in touch by filling out our web form.