New characters from the new Digimon card game project "DIGIMON LIBERATOR" appears in the deck! The Yellow Deck excels at Deployment + Weakening! Pre-Constructed Deck x1 (54 cards) Memory Gauge x2
Fiche technique
Digimon TCG
Type de produit:
Starter Deck Display
Statut du produit:
New characters from the new Digimon card game project "DIGIMON LIBERATOR" appears in the deck! The Yellow Deck excels at Deployment + Weakening! Pre-Constructed Deck x1 (54 cards) Memory Gauge x2
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New characters from the new Digimon card game project "DIGIMON LIBERATOR" appears in the deck! The Yellow Deck excels at Deployment + Weakening! Pre-Constructed Deck x1 (54 cards) Memory Gauge x2
New characters from the new Digimon card game project "DIGIMON LIBERATOR" appears in the deck! The Yellow Deck excels at Deployment + Weakening! Pre-Constructed Deck x1 (54 cards) Memory Gauge x2
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