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Deluxe Battle Decks - Assortment Display (6 unidades) - Pokémon

Deluxe Battle Decks - Assortment Display (6 unidades) - Pokémon

Only shops and distributors


(1 of 2) 60-card decks featuring 1 of 2 characters (1) quick start rules, (1) playmat (1) damage counter sheet (1) strategy sheet, (1) coin (3) PCD reference cards (1) keeper box, (1) code card Two (2) variants

IMPORTANTE: Ten en cuenta que los artículos de Pokémon TCG son productos de ALTA DEMANDA que pueden registrar fuertes recortes por parte del fabricante. Haz clic aquí para más información.

Please note that this product may be subject to significant cuts by the manufacturer. This means that, even if you place your order on time, we may not be able to fulfill all reservations. Click here for more information.

Data sheet

Pokemon TCG
Product type:
Battle Deck
Product status:
Su cuenta está deshabilitada para realizar Disponible. Contacte con su comercial.
Deluxe Battle Decks - Assortment Display (6 unidades) - Pokémon

Deluxe Battle Decks - Assortment Display (6 unidades) - Pokémon

EAN: 820650505249

Data sheet

Pokemon TCG
Product type:
Battle Deck
Product status:

(1 of 2) 60-card decks featuring 1 of 2 characters (1) quick start rules, (1) playmat (1) damage counter sheet (1) strategy sheet, (1) coin (3) PCD reference cards (1) keeper box, (1) code card Two (2) variants

IMPORTANTE: Ten en cuenta que los artículos de Pokémon TCG son productos de ALTA DEMANDA que pueden registrar fuertes recortes por parte del fabricante. Haz clic aquí para más información.

Please note that this product may be subject to significant cuts by the manufacturer. This means that, even if you place your order on time, we may not be able to fulfill all reservations. Click here for more information.